Monday, July 13, 2020


I have just spent a few minutes going back and reading through previous blog posts. A lot has changed since I started this blog over a decade ago.This one thing rings true through the years, I have not been near as consistent with this as I want to be. So this, this is the disclaimer. Blogging is going to be a scheduled task. Y'all might want to pray about it. This content might get a bit dry or redundant otherwise.

The thing is realistically I know what is going on in this moment. I need to CREATE. The problem, I have half a dozen started projects. Yesterday I thought I would create a poll. What should I be doing now? The truth, FINISHING at least one project I have started. Yesterday that meant I got off of facebook, I didn't post a poll. I went and unpacked 3 boxes. I unpacked 3 boxes that have been in storage. Items I haven't used in 2 years and as of right now have no idea where to put. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Forever back in the day I have a blog post of before during and after photos of the shelf catastrophe I was attempting to tame. This is the story of almost every room in the house in the moment. Well not to that degree. It just turns out I suck at moving. In 2018 while preparing to move to Virginia I unpacked boxes that had been in the attic since I moved in 2007. Those boxes had been packed from the move from Colorado to Texas. Surely if I had not even seen the inside of those boxes in over 10 years I didn't need to open them now, they could have gone in the trash right? Instead I sorted through them and retrieved my long lost treasures. Now that those treasures have been packed for another 2 years I wonder if they were really treasures...

June was another month of moving, although my address didn't change. My in-laws new house in town was finished, so before the kids all went to visit their other parents we moved Pop and Grandma into their new house. Essentially this means we were moving 2 houses at once. The kids were, FOR THE MOST PART, better at moving into their new rooms and getting things out of storage. But here I sit in my office/den/ bedroom (clearly I have no clue what to call this space) and other than the computer and printer, everything is still in boxes. The closet was easy, so the clothes are put away. I guess at least there is that. The kitchen is a bit better. A bit better in that my husband can cook in it. (That is a strange thought, I used to do all the cooking, now maybe a meal or 2 every 6 months.) This "move" meant that the kitchen and dinning room now share the same space and what was the dining room is now living room. We haven't really even started in there other than to get furniture out of storage. But it is all just pushed clear of a walk way. I feel like everything is still waiting to be unpacked. 

EVERYTHING IS STILL WAITING TO BE UNPACKED... someone help me here. Where is creativity in unpacking? Why, why unpack it why not get rid of it all? It has sat in storage for so long clearly we don't need it. Ahhh the object lesson here... 

Personal growth, "moving" forward is just what all of this is. What are we carrying around in boxes for years that we need to unpack? What is in storage that needs be brought up and dealt with? Are there treasures we need to unbury, is their junk that we just need to toss out? If I wander into any room in the house right now I am over whelmed at what needs to be done. If I just open up this one box though. And that is it! Personal growth is crating. Probably not in the traditional sense and probably not in the most fun of ways. Just maybe it is the most productive way...