Thursday, December 17, 2020

Object lessons - Roadside Treasures

 On our way home from the store today Stace spotted a wallet on the side of the highway. "Is it okay if we take a bit of a detour, I think I just saw a wallet in the road." We have found some pretty cool roadside treasures so of course the answer was yes. As we turned around he was apologizing certain that it was a chunk of tire or some other random piece of trash. Would he even remember where it was... all the self doubt. Sure enough as we pulled on to the shoulder there it was a very full, very soggy wallet. 

With the bank cards and ID that was in the wallet we reached out to the bank to see if we could locate the owner. Hope (Literally that was the managers name.) called me back, She had indeed contacted the owner, who was driving, so she wasn't available to contact me, could I call her?  

A few minutes later I was on the phone with the owner of the wallet. She was incredibly grateful and arrangements were made to get her wallet back to her. She stated that when the bank called she had just been praying about her wallet. She had worked an accident the other day and when she got back into the truck her wallet was nowhere to be found. All the EMS personnel who were at the scene had not seen her wallet.

As I reflect on todays roadside treasure hunt two things stand out. One, what are you doing when Hope is calling? Are you to busy or distracted to answer? Second, the owner was praying when the bank called, actively having a conversation with God about what she needed, but God had already met the need. 

Anyway, now on with our regularly scheduled day.